Monday, April 30, 2007

Zoo Trip

I took Ben to the Zoo today and he had a blast! All the animals were active this morning - so he saw lots of action. Here's a pic of him with one of the Polar Bears (the other was swimming in the pool right up next to the glass).... We walked thru the 'Cat Complex' and Ben growled at them.. and he said hi to the Elephants and Rhinoceroses. But I would say the Gorilla Complex with our Favorite. They have a big guy in there that runs around and bangs on the glass at all the people.. and its funny - yet scary... but our favorite was the two little guys mocking the big one.. and they were being super silly right in front of us. I would have got more pictures - but bad photographer left the house without extra batteries -- and my camera went dead after 3 shots.

On the way home - the truck died -- YEAH! I would tell you more.. but all I know radiator fluid was everywhere except in the radiator. So pete came and picked us up (on the side of the road). and the truck was towed to our trusty - rip-you-off mechanics. Guess the 'new' boat might get a new truck to tow it.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

more camping photos

Ben and Pete at the Camper The overlook of the Missouri River

Below: Ben and the girls anxious to leave the house

Indian Cave State Park

Saturday we went on our first camping trip of the year. Yay - right?! Ben has the eye funk again, and storms were to hit sunday, and the winds were ridiculous (25mph). But it wasn't windy down in the 'valley' where we stayed. The trails were cool *not for 21mo. child - but hey - he did well considering*, and it was great to get the camper out finally. Oh and cave! WHAT CAVE!? They call a slight overhang a 'cave' **shakes head** really pathetic. The cave used to have ancient Indian petroglyph's ~ now it only contains modern petroglyph's ~ aka 'john *hearts* suzie' (partially scratched out of course). And at the 'butterfly garden' there were no butterflies - mainly b/c there was NO garden! We did see butterflies all over our campsite.. and turkeys and even felt a little sympathy for Gammy when the woodpecker started hammering away at 0500 this morning *and there were more than 3 of the little 'peckers...* But thanks to those little 'peckers we managed to get our butts out of bed and leave b/f the storms hit.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Indian cave

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Peeze Vid

Here's a new vid of Ben
it's somewhat of a hack job.. but I took the video yesterday and crammed them together this afternoon..

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad (Pete)

Pete's birthday was today (*says captain obvious*)Happy 32!
I started out by trying to be nice and take Ben to daycare so he wouldn't have to.. and he still insisted on going. So much for that good idea.
At lunch we went up to his work to see him for lunch and he choose (of all places) to go to Subway even though they had a Subway caterer at TDAmeritrade today. Another good idea shot to crap -- but we did get to see him so that was cool.
Ben slept for 15 min in the car.. and refused to nap when we got home.. So when it was time to eat supper Ben was rotten. we found 2 seconds when he wasn't fussing.. and quickly snapped this half decent shot of the boys and a slice of THE birthday cookie cake.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Nothing Going On...

So, not much going on here... But it looks like we haven't blogged since last week, so I guess we need to write something so people don't think we fell off the face of the earth...
Ben is starting to get adjusted to his new day care, but he won't admit that to me. After Mom leaves the house in the morning, he knows we're getting ready to go, so he throws a little fit.. This morning, he refused to sit in his car seat -- and when I finally got him buckled in, he fussed and gave me the evil eye to tell me he was not pleased with me. When we pulled into the parking lot (and he knew where we were), he started crying... I got him out of the car, and tried to make him walk in with me, but he threw himself down on the sidewalk and refused to cooperate. So I picked him up and hauled him in, and he continued to fuss louder and louder and scream "daddy" as I walked away.
This is pretty much his standard routine... so last week, I took off at lunch and went with Jenn to pick him up.. and sure enough, as we walked in -- he was playing, and laughing, and having fun... According to the sitters, he just has to throw a fit for 5 minutes when he first gets dropped off..

Well... enough about that... In other news.. Jenn has taought Ben to say "please" whenever he asks for something.. It kinda comes out as "peeze", but it's pretty cute.. He'll say "peeze cookie, peeze peeze", etc. (No, not gok... cookie, loud and clear..) Anyhow.. so today I was getting Ben his milk, and he was being very impatient.. Squirming and reaching as I got his cup ready all the time begging "peeze, peeze, PEEZE!"... and so I mentioned to Jenn that I didn't know if this "please" thing was really worth it.. "Ben doesn't even know the difference between 'please' and give me'". Of course, as soon as Ben heard me say this -- he switched to "gimme, gimme gimme, PEEZE gimme.. P E E Z E..."

Thursday, April 12, 2007

SuperBen to the rescue

Before we left for Arkansas I started a little project "for Ben". I thought it would be fun for him to have a cape... I failed miserably on the first attempt. The cape was entirely too small, so I pushed everything to the side and started packing for the trip. Ever since I've been thinking of ways to make this cape simple, yet cute.. So today, I went into action and started cutting again. This time.. Perfection (well as good as it gets for a amateur seamstress.)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Egg Hunting

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A couple of weeks ago, before it got wintry again, we enjoyed playing outside...
Jenn made a video - so here ya go...
(I'm being too lazy to edit his video page right now.. )

funny story

So on the way home yesterday -- I was talking to ben in a little sing-song and was telling him something like - we are going home from Arkansas after visiting Gammy.. and b/f I could get anything else out - ben added "and G'anpa".. It was too cute.. So throughout the rest of the day we would ask Ben is he had fun at G'ammy's and his reply was "pun at Gammy's and G'anpa's"
It amazes us how much he actually talks now..

My dad and step-Joyce - Ben's Popo and Memaw - have all along said they weren't paying for therapy.. implying Ben would some day need therapy.. and after 20 mo. I agree.. he will some day need therapy.. A 'book' is being created - in the style of a website - with a list of reasons.. if you can think of any - please feel free to post.


Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Trip

We left this morning at 530AM - and Ben made an excellent travel companion again. Of course he slept until 10ish and then was up for a few hrs.. we stopped to eat lunch and then he slept again!... So it was no surprise to us.. when he was hyped up this afternoon. We took him to Swim class and after missing the past 2, he did really well. He went under water and even jumped in the pool (with dad helping)...

There are lots of great pictures.. and even some pretty great video..
And stories to tell..

So to protect you all from a ben overload - we are cleverly dispersing bits of information each day... (or until upload all pics and vid)

Swim class details later

Rolling rolling rolling

Headed home thanks to gammy & grandpa ben is worn out

Friday, April 06, 2007

@ church

My huge cookie

Easter Eggs!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Arkansas or bust

On our way to grammy's house. Watching woody and buzz.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Dr visit

So - Ben turned 20 months on Sunday -- and on Sunday ben's sickness got worse. Today I took him to see Doc. and after talks of Scarlet Fever and Mono.. the swab came back negative.. and ends up.. Ben has a really bad ear infection.. HIS FIRST! First prescription to be filled too! I'm so proud -- well I'm so thankful that now we know and Ben has the right stuff to get feeling better.
Stay Healthy.
I guess this means we are going to miss a second week of swim class.