Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ben's Christmas photos

Here are a few photos from our trip around the south.. there are a few locations/people that weren't photographed due to illnesses...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Back in Omaha...

No, we're not back home -- we're at the Holiday Inn.. and Ben is sleeping for now, but he still has the crud; he didn't keep down any of what he ate at the Christmas Buffet at the Casino (the only thing in town open other than Denny's).

[In case you haven't heard -- our furnace died at some point while we were gone - our pipes froze and burst, and it's a big mess..]

Monday, December 24, 2007

The CRUD Take 3

So what Pete failed to mention in the earlier blog - is that I too was ill -- so Take 3:

Twas the Eve of Christmas Eve and we weren't so well,
Everywhere we went was a terrible smell.
When we were nestled all snug in our beds,
Pete started dancing straight to the head;
From under the door there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what as the matter.
The smell was so horrible it hit with a flash,
I tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
When the odor finally slowed
I walked back in and looked below
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
My darling husband looking scared like a baby deer
With a little air freshener to spray real quick,
I knew in a moment he must have gotten sick.
More rapid than eagles his curses they came,
"Damn that evil woman" as he called my mom by name;
So on Cupid on Comet and everywhere we went there were piles of Vomit.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Another First...

On Tuesday we drove up from Davilla to Winters to spend the night with "Aunt Maybe" (Tricia) on our way towards Abilene and Hawley. Ben had fun playing with the little red wagon they got him for Christmas, and the next day we headed in to Abilene to meet Nana-Mom for lunch. Unfortunately, Nana-mom could not eat any of her chicken salad sandwich, because her tummy didn't feel very well...

We spent a few days visiting with Nana-Mom and Pa, and Misty and her two girls Kayla and Cate. Ben had a blast running around after those girls, holding their hands, giving them squeezes, etc.

Now, onto Ben's "first". We all went out to dinner Friday night.. (Nana-Mom, Pa, Aunt Maybe, Cousin Jenn, Uncle Billy, Aunt Starr, Cousins Ryan and Dakota, and Misty Kayla and Cate.) ... and Ben told us when we got there he had an "Owie". When we asked where he hurt - he pointed to his back and to his Belly... and about the time we got settled in at the table, he puked all over Mom. Yeap, at 2 1/4 years, Ben had his first vomit. And boy was that fun.. Cause he took several turns puking on mom and dad all night and the next day...

He seems to be feeling better now, although he didn't ate anything all day except for a few crackers.. He is certainly a good sport at being sick -- it doesn't seem to bother him much except for a few moments before it is about to hit -- then when he's done it's right back to playtime...
Well -- that's all for now --- hope everyone is having a happy and healthy holiday..

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Basket case

Ben found a few things to play with at memo's.

Ben's first kill

Yesterday we eased our way down to Texas - after a very stressful drive through a snowy Kansas and a frozen Oklahoma, it was good to see sunshine and warmer temps as we crossed the state line..
We picked up cousins Matt and Britt and drove on down to Davilla where we met up with the rest of the insane asylum escapees.
The fish fry was fun, but the best part was hanging out with all the kids.. ben took to matt like a tick on a dog.. I think Uncle Pete just fell a rung on Ben's favorite list.
So - on to the title of the blog --
Today Ben got his FIRST KILL -- w00t
I would have taken a picture - but it was a bloody bloody scene; Ben stomped the guts out - literally - of a poor unsuspecting gecko. His Popo was proud - but a little disappointed when he realized it was done by accident (not the jumping - but the smooshing).. We would have mounted the kill on the wall, but there was nothing left for the taxidermist to work with; even his poor tail twisted off.

To think this poor animal was sacrificed for no reason, we can't use him for food, fuel or decoration - Darn the luck.

Until next time....

Friday, December 14, 2007

Ben and his songs

Today I took Ben to run some last minute errands b/f packing.. and on the way home.. he starts singing randomly about his daddy and the christmas song.. and the snow.. and it was one of those moments where he was so sweet and so innocent.. then he threw his snack pack at the back of my head..

Anyway - I finally got everything packed and loaded.. and we are waiting with ants in our pants for pete to get home.. so I turned to the trusty piano to keep me occupied.. Pete got me some great books to learn Christmas songs..(favorites to play - little drummer boy, hark the harold, and jingle bells - only b/c I can be lazy and play only the top lines and it still resembles the song).. Back to it -- as I'm struggling to get through Jingle Bells (both lines) Ben says "what songs that" and without missing another beat starts in on the right words and waits ever so patiently for me to get all the notes out so he can finish singing his song..
I'm a little (not much but a little) sad that we aren't going to be here next week.. ONLY b/c his school is having a Christmas program and I can only imagine the sweetness that is going to come from the kids on stage.. And Ben had two songs he was to sing with his class.. Oh well -- fish fries and mesquite trees will be much more fun.. right?! If not then playing with cousins will be totally worth it..

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Mr. PotatoBen

Saturday, December 08, 2007

21 - 13

It's not a score... it's the temperature - and real feel... burrrrr!
We still went outside and played...

Thursday, December 06, 2007


The first snow is always exciting -- after weeks of freezing cold - why not throw some snow in the mixture... spice things up...
I picked Ben up from school today - and he kept telling me it was raining -- No hun that's snow -- No mom its raining -- Sometimes its like i argue with a wall...

Then the snowplows were firetrucks... :D Yep - those are firetrucks.. look at them go! (reason #405 for therapy - snowplows are firetrucks)

Starting with a few days ago -- Ben FINALLY decided the bear puppet rocks -- only b/c I told him he gets to put his hands in the bears guts..... (watch for upcoming video).. (and reason #406)

Before the snow - it was cold- so we (me) made forts in the living room and then we (ben) tore them down

After getting Ben all ready to go outside - he darts back to the living room declaring he needs a hat.. -- Ben you already have your hat -- No mom, my hat -- and he comes back with the Green Bowl on his head.. Ughh

We made snow angels and we had SUCH a blast

Monday, December 03, 2007

ornery rotten stinker

That's only a few words I have for him - THE BEN - today...
He might possibly be growing out of nap time.. *damsel in distress voice* WHAT WILL I DO?! *end voice*

Today after shopping, and the park (it was actually warm enough - 47 - to go)
it was time to lay down and take a little night night... but the BEN decided it was time to play 'possum until I walked out of the room... and then he pulled toys on the bed - and proclaimed he was PLAYING... after the 3rd trip back there to tuck his hiney in.. I quickly left the room to a little boy whimpering 'I need a hug - I need a hug' over and over... It made me giggle - Only b/c it was his tactic to suck me back in the room and continue to stay awake a few more minutes...
Oh the drama of a two year old..

He likes the phrase "I'm freezin too" even if no one said "I'm freezing" first..