Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Sunday

What a way to end the LONG weekend... This morning we got up and had no plans... So what better to do, on a 40 degree day, than go to the zoo. We didn't stay long... But with our yearly membership pass why not go and enjoy a bit... Turned out everytime we walked out of an exhibit, it seemed to be getting warmer and warmer. So we convinced the boy to leave, came home, and went for a 4miler. Afterwards, Ben set up Chutes and Ladders, then we played a game of Candy Land. I think we've created a game-board-aholic. That's ok i guess, someone to play scrabble with in a few years.. and I'm assured a win for at least 5 years.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Doh you Play?

This evening Ben and I pulled out the play-doh tonight.. and I tried to teach him the basics...

This is the look of "Mom this is my toy, please stop playing."

Thursday, December 25, 2008

You're a Mean one Mr Grinch..

Merry Christmas

This year was a quiet celebration at home focused on Ben. He received several books - ALL of which he insisted we read the minute he opened them. Hmmph - second guessing Green Eggs and Ham. He was also the recipient of some great games - which we played over and over tonight. (There's not much to Candy Land is there? Sequence for kids isn't bad...) His favorite toy is his pedal train. So much that he took it too his room, wrapped it in covers, and laid down next to it like he was going to nap with it.

A few things leading up to Christmas that happened in the life of Ben:
1. He found out he LOVES to wrap gifts. When I ran out of gifts for him to help wrap, he found a car of his and wrapped it all by himself, put it under the tree, and said it was for Jacob.
2. This past week if we sat down for a bit to watch the boob tube.. Ben wanted to watch Charlie Brown's Christmas... sometimes DVRs a beautiful thing.. but I honestly believe that when the child starts reciting the lines b/f they are said on the show.. it's probably time to delete.. (he only watched it maybe 3 times)..
3. He shocked us.. when Pete started singing - "You're a Mean one.. " and ben finished the lyrics! YAY (my favorite holiday show)


He couldn't believe it was empty already

For the love of a bird...
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gingerbread house 2008

We made our Gingerbread house this weekend. Yes it took most of the weekend... what better things did we have to do when it was 0 degrees outside... brrrr... Ben had almost as much fun as we did...

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Program!

Tonight - Ben's school had their Christmas Program -- and even though Ben was not in class all last week.. Somehow, the teacher was astonished that he knew all the Christmas songs.. (crazy i know -- why would anyone NOT sing Christmas songs?? ) . So tonight at 630, we dressed Ben with a fight (because he didn't want to put on his dress shirt, he liked his red t-shirt), and went to the church were they where having the program. Our little Ben cried and fussed b/c he didn't want to take his jacket off. He screamed and yelled, because he didn't want to go sit with his class. He threw an absolute fit. We were so embarrassed that our kid was THE kid screaming we left. Ben came home and was sent straight to bed. An hour or so later (he had settled and was lying quietly in bed) we asked him if he knew why he was in trouble. His clear words: "Because I wanted to watch my friends, and not sing with them, and I wanted to wear my jacket and my red shirt."

There are a few more pictures of our trip to texas in our online album. I didn't take that many.. I guess I was having too much fun and forgot to take pictures.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Back home again

Well - we made it home, again. This time we think we will plan on staying here for a bit before the next trip. Ben had a great time seeing most of his relatives in Texas. So now to the unpacking, and Christmas preparing.
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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Ben was upset today that we were leaving town tomorrow and he still did not have a Christmas tree... (not really -- he was mad b/c I said no to tv)

So we took him to one of the tree farms in town (the one we usually go to closed). We looked and looked until the ritual of screaming like maniacs in the middle of a planted forest commenced and we were freezing our butts off..

We came home treeless - prepared a little better for the bitter cold, and decided to take another axe at it.. Our second trip out this afternoon was success. All the trees were so perfect that we let Ben pick which tree he wanted. We think he did pretty well. (Here's Ben attaching the first ornament.)

Now off to pack - and get ready for t e x a s