Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Nothing Going On...

So, not much going on here... But it looks like we haven't blogged since last week, so I guess we need to write something so people don't think we fell off the face of the earth...
Ben is starting to get adjusted to his new day care, but he won't admit that to me. After Mom leaves the house in the morning, he knows we're getting ready to go, so he throws a little fit.. This morning, he refused to sit in his car seat -- and when I finally got him buckled in, he fussed and gave me the evil eye to tell me he was not pleased with me. When we pulled into the parking lot (and he knew where we were), he started crying... I got him out of the car, and tried to make him walk in with me, but he threw himself down on the sidewalk and refused to cooperate. So I picked him up and hauled him in, and he continued to fuss louder and louder and scream "daddy" as I walked away.
This is pretty much his standard routine... so last week, I took off at lunch and went with Jenn to pick him up.. and sure enough, as we walked in -- he was playing, and laughing, and having fun... According to the sitters, he just has to throw a fit for 5 minutes when he first gets dropped off..

Well... enough about that... In other news.. Jenn has taought Ben to say "please" whenever he asks for something.. It kinda comes out as "peeze", but it's pretty cute.. He'll say "peeze cookie, peeze peeze", etc. (No, not gok... cookie, loud and clear..) Anyhow.. so today I was getting Ben his milk, and he was being very impatient.. Squirming and reaching as I got his cup ready all the time begging "peeze, peeze, PEEZE!"... and so I mentioned to Jenn that I didn't know if this "please" thing was really worth it.. "Ben doesn't even know the difference between 'please' and give me'". Of course, as soon as Ben heard me say this -- he switched to "gimme, gimme gimme, PEEZE gimme.. P E E Z E..."


At 4/18/2007 10:50 AM, Blogger Laura said...

GOK! I had totally forgotten about that! Which one of us coined that phrase?
...would love to see some video of 'gimme PEEZ'...

At 4/18/2007 9:39 PM, Blogger Laura said...



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