Monday, April 30, 2007

Zoo Trip

I took Ben to the Zoo today and he had a blast! All the animals were active this morning - so he saw lots of action. Here's a pic of him with one of the Polar Bears (the other was swimming in the pool right up next to the glass).... We walked thru the 'Cat Complex' and Ben growled at them.. and he said hi to the Elephants and Rhinoceroses. But I would say the Gorilla Complex with our Favorite. They have a big guy in there that runs around and bangs on the glass at all the people.. and its funny - yet scary... but our favorite was the two little guys mocking the big one.. and they were being super silly right in front of us. I would have got more pictures - but bad photographer left the house without extra batteries -- and my camera went dead after 3 shots.

On the way home - the truck died -- YEAH! I would tell you more.. but all I know radiator fluid was everywhere except in the radiator. So pete came and picked us up (on the side of the road). and the truck was towed to our trusty - rip-you-off mechanics. Guess the 'new' boat might get a new truck to tow it.


At 4/30/2007 5:11 PM, Blogger Laura said...

WOW! I've never been that close to a polar bear --that's awesome, Ben!

At 5/01/2007 9:12 PM, Blogger Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Sounds like a cool zoo visit. Sucks about the truck. We've been to our fair share of ripoff mechanics over the past month. Hopefully there is a new-to-us car in our near future!


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