Sunday, June 14, 2009


Friday night was opening ceremonies for the College World Series - SOME GREAT TEAMS ARE HERE THIS YEAR! We went to see the fireworks - and what started as a trip downtown to sit outside the stadium, ended up with us in the stadium for the 30 minute firework show, and 45 minutes of us trying to nudge our way through the parking lot (that was a mud pit) and packed with kid drivers.

Yesterday - we attempted a lake run - but when we got to the storage where the boat is realized SOMEONE had taken the hitch off and it was sittin in the garage back at the house. By the time we got home, no one was really in the mood to make the trip a 2nd time with hitch.

Today however, the weather was nicer than expected and we ran out to the lake for a few hours. The odds where in our favor, between it being Sunday afternoon, CWS, and cooler temps that lake wasn't busy and we all got a ski run in. EVEN BEN!! He did SO WELL that he was awarded ice cream that he dribbled down dads head.
Then we came home for some great smoked brisket ~ a few more tries and Pete's going to have this smoker thing mastered.

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At 6/15/2009 1:52 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

:)...hey - down here with all the LSU nuts and told them y'all went to a game or two..they were jealous HA! smoked briskett sounds YUMMY :)

At 6/18/2009 10:54 AM, Blogger David Kendall said...

Ben really looks like a natural on the water. He must take after his Mom.


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