Saturday, May 17, 2008

What a weekend already

Friday Ben sweet talked me in to taking him to the zoo - and we had so much fun. We were there when the doors opened.. and the huge crowds obviously didn't know the short cut entry (through IMAX)... It was great b/c we made it to the aquarium b/f anyone else and had the entire place to ourselves... We hung out for a long time too... We sat in the Penguin bubble.. and it was like the penguins were swimming right at us... and then watching the sharks and sea turtles swim over the tunnel.. we were both just amazed... That place gets so packed sometimes you can't get enjoy it like we did on friday....
We had so much fun walking around the entire zoo -- and catching up with the baby sea lion we saw last year -- he's not a baby anymore -- more toddler size *grin*... OOh but there was a baby giraffe (again not really baby size though - those guys are wicked big)...

The only time I really got the camera out was the budgie exhibit.. The Budgie Encounter features over 400 eye-catching, colorful parakeets, cockatiels, doves and quails (says Omaha Zoo)....

And today - we headed out to the lake.. and Ben was the best kid ever - AGAIN. He made sure we packed his ski.. b/c he said he wanted to ski.. But once at the lake.. the water was a little too cold for him.. But he played "Spotter" and "Flag Holder" really well.
So when we got home, we went to the store and got him a little gift for playing nicely with us.


At 5/17/2008 10:05 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Look at him with his helmet!! Love it!!

At 5/18/2008 8:22 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

yay bikes!! love the helmet. that bird pic is awsome!


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