Monday, January 07, 2008

Finally - Christmas!

We finally got around to opening our Christmas gifts. 13 days late - but I'm rolling with Pete's theory: The 6th is Epiphany - and that is the day the 3 wise guys brought gifts..... (you know the story).. and that's why we waited..
Truth is - with all the drama with the house we've just let it slide while taking care of other things.
Ben LOVED opening the gifts we had for him... and he got to stay up super late so he could play with his new trains and cars -- oh and his 'guitar'
This morning while I was doing payroll - he sits down and is strumming the best he can while singing Twinkle Twinkle little Star... it was fantastic.. I LOVED it.. It's like the kid has the Carter-music gene or something.

Click here to view more pictures of our belated festivities

In other news -- I was somewhat embarrassed today when we were walking through Hobby Lobby and Ben sees a cat statue and hollers in his LOUDEST Voice that it was a "Doggy Cat".... and when I tried to tell him it was just a cat - he made sure to correct me .. it was of course a "doggy cat"...
Reasons #405, 406, 407 and 408 Ben will need therapy - his Popo and Memaw have a cat named Doggy and a dog named Kitty. (maybe they need the therapy?)


At 1/07/2008 8:36 PM, Blogger Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Pete's beard still needs to go....

LOVE the pics of Ben opening presents. Question: Who wrapped the guitar (ukelele)??? Because I would TOTALLY have wrapped it like that!!!!

At 1/07/2008 8:37 PM, Blogger Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

P.S. Miss you guys....

At 1/07/2008 9:32 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Great pics!!!! Ben's hair is sooo cute :) he does hold that guitar like a pro doesn't he...I MISS YALL!!!


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