Sunday, October 28, 2007

The picture book

We made a book for Ben to help with face/name recognition before the grand Florida trip this summer. It has a picture of everyone, and he used to love to flip through it and tell us over and over who everyone was. The coolness sorta wore off when the Florida 90th Birthday book appeared on the coffee table... Never fear - SuperBen is near - and today he runs like a straight line wind to the dining room (were we are slaving over this ridiculous dragon costume) and excitedly announces...
"Dad Dad - picture book"
"that's right Ben, that's your picture book"
"Dad Dad - The ChooChoo train man"
I just about fell out of my chair....
as a reference - the ChooChoo train man - and Ben (at Easter)

2nd week of Wee School - and Ben is doing really well... He's singing (the correct words) more to a lot of the kid songs .. and hits more of the letters when he sings his ABCs. He's also annunciating his words more clearly. So that's all great and fantastic, right.... But he's picked up some bad habits..
He now makes this 'pfftt' noise with his tongue sorta stinking out -- you know like motor boating.. problem is - he uses it only when he's back talking... Pete or I will tell him to do something and we get 'pffttt'd" on..
Do you realize how hard it is to keep a straight face when Ben "pfftt's" on Pete and Pete puts Ben to time-out... OH MY GOODNESS... the tears and drama... all because of a little "pfftt"


At 10/29/2007 9:44 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

that's funny stuff :D

At 10/29/2007 3:37 PM, Blogger Laura said...

sounds like good times.


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